Monday, November 17, 2014

Dream Jobs / oh ya whoops // I moved

Dream Jobs:

because I am not mentally/emotionally capable of longterm unemployment or bullshit employment/not rich

-Entrepreneur (fashion)
-Entrepreneur (product design)
-Costume designer and Set Decorator
-Work for NBA Cares/NBA in general
-Teacher, after accomplished much in related subjects/'guru' status
-Museum work, interacting with the public- especially children- to teach about art + exhibitions
*-Yoga teacher (maybe more of a PT-thing tho)
*-General explorer, somehow paid traveler
*-Restaurant/gallery/bookstore/mini yoga studio all-in-one owner
*-American Girl historical doll designer
**-Work-from-home stenographer??? (while I do art/clothing/knits/fitness the rest of the time)

*= added today, after this post was drafted, which I believe to have been circa June 2014.
**=learned about in the "Careers" section of the amNEWYORK paper today hehe. The title was "JOT THIS CAREER DOWN"


Whoa, started to spell "doll" as 'dall' -- Where is my mind?

Also, I moved to NYC a day shy of 3 weeks ago.  I meant to start this blog project where I post a picture and paragraph every day so that I can look back a year or two from now (assuming I'm still living here) and be like "Oh. Wow. #impressed" because my life will have presumably improved tremendously.  But I've kind of planned for that to happen for the past few years and well, *Welp,* so maybe a blog will help push things into gear?? Or at least make me not lazy.

---Also, Very Important---: I stalled on blogging here as well since I meant to make an epic Boyhood post, as I was so inspired by it and saw the movie three times in theatres (meant to more)... I was gonna compile all of my favorite links, photos, and quotes (namely via Ethan Hawke and Ellar Coltrane even tho Rick is like my God) but I got subconsciously too overwhelmed and was fairly irl busy so the two combined didn't really amount to any external expression.  It's all still inside... <3 br="">