Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Short Night Visit to Bay Ridge

So I had today off and was starting to feel antsy because I got up way too late, it was raining, ate some shitty food, had a headache, started crying (again) during my home yoga practice, calmed down/cleaned up a bit (/lot) which felt good, talked to my mom, did laundry, while cleaning /having yoga breakdown thought I should text my friend from home asking what her UWS cafe recommendations are and then... got a *BRIGHT LIGHT* idea that it would be way easier and more convenient/useful to check out a new neighborhood that's closer to me.  And that I've been curious about lately, as it's 'up-and-coming' but still authentic. Plus, I was hungry and needed to get out of the house.

After a fairly quick Yelp search on a limited timeframe, I decided on two places because of their proximity to each other and the subway stop.  They were Pizza Wagon and Mocha Mocha. Both mediocre but I really liked the interior of the pizza joint.  I probably won't go back to Mocha Mocha Cafe as the food was overpriced and it had a weird ambiance. However, I'm glad to have at least check off two places on my 'new place' list and that alone feels like an accomplishment.

I really can't wait to explore it in the daylight, especially the beautiful homes that are displayed in this awesome 86th St. metro stop mosaic. I'm obsessed with it! Very much looking forward to the Bay Ridge/Dyker Heights Christmas lights spectacular. I am such an old lady/suburban mom.

(...On the way home I started listening to the Boyhood soundtrack and felt so much better, like I was remembering who I am. The song 'Hero' always does that for me... thankfully)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dream Jobs / oh ya whoops // I moved

Dream Jobs:

because I am not mentally/emotionally capable of longterm unemployment or bullshit employment/not rich

-Entrepreneur (fashion)
-Entrepreneur (product design)
-Costume designer and Set Decorator
-Work for NBA Cares/NBA in general
-Teacher, after accomplished much in related subjects/'guru' status
-Museum work, interacting with the public- especially children- to teach about art + exhibitions
*-Yoga teacher (maybe more of a PT-thing tho)
*-General explorer, somehow paid traveler
*-Restaurant/gallery/bookstore/mini yoga studio all-in-one owner
*-American Girl historical doll designer
**-Work-from-home stenographer??? (while I do art/clothing/knits/fitness the rest of the time)

*= added today, after this post was drafted, which I believe to have been circa June 2014.
**=learned about in the "Careers" section of the amNEWYORK paper today hehe. The title was "JOT THIS CAREER DOWN"


Whoa, started to spell "doll" as 'dall' -- Where is my mind?

Also, I moved to NYC a day shy of 3 weeks ago.  I meant to start this blog project where I post a picture and paragraph every day so that I can look back a year or two from now (assuming I'm still living here) and be like "Oh. Wow. #impressed" because my life will have presumably improved tremendously.  But I've kind of planned for that to happen for the past few years and well, *Welp,* so maybe a blog will help push things into gear?? Or at least make me not lazy.

---Also, Very Important---: I stalled on blogging here as well since I meant to make an epic Boyhood post, as I was so inspired by it and saw the movie three times in theatres (meant to more)... I was gonna compile all of my favorite links, photos, and quotes (namely via Ethan Hawke and Ellar Coltrane even tho Rick is like my God) but I got subconsciously too overwhelmed and was fairly irl busy so the two combined didn't really amount to any external expression.  It's all still inside... <3 br="">

Friday, June 6, 2014

I’m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else’s. I’m sick of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be somebody interesting. It’s disgusting.

-Franny and Zooey, JD Salinger
My brother came over tonight and was talking to my mom about his plans to move to nyc for college in business administration and finance and how his friend just graduated nyu and is probably going to be working on wall street (said so casually) blah blah blah. I wanted to barf.

Hopefully, when I look back on this post in the future I will be like lol it's okay, I made it.  Got to find my tribe.

It's weird that my life is like this, I'm 26 for godsake

Gonna go watch Orange is the New Black.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Evening of Dreams

Tonight my favorite yoga teacher was telling us about the highlight of her weekend, this event that she volunteered at called Evening of Dreams.  Wow, it was so inspiring.  She talked about how throughout the prom, people's inhibitions and self doubt started to evaporate and that by the end of the night you couldn't really tell who was serving who.  Unconditional love and compassion are so important and something exciting to open oneself up to more.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


So tonight I found proof that fashion could have kind of stopped in the 60's..... Thanks to the glory of pinterest, I discovered these incredible dresses that still look completely modern and even ahead of time right now.  I think it's the really sublime, innovative textile implementation.

(Click for enlargements)

Friday, May 16, 2014


So today at work we were working on the new window, ocean-themed, and I was handed the assignment of decorating these fish my coworker had already cut out of cardboard and applied construction paper over. Of course I took the opportunity to utilize the internet and then "tropical fish" google images blew my mind and I was in super autistic tendancies-mode of fascination. So here they are, Here are some of the coolest fish on the Planet!!! Want to watch Finding Nemo now and pretend I'm in Australia/somewhere cool and oceany and exotic!  Or Finding Nemo but with the fish even more detailed and busy like these. (I was amazed, always kind of think of fish as a bit 'meh' or the typical few cool ones that you always see/weird ocean floor plants/jellyfish)... but these are so inspirational!